Fort LeBoeuf High School

Drawing of Fort LeBoeuf


If you are an alumni of the class of 1979 I need additional information about your class to complete this page. If you can furnish the address and contact information for any of your classmates it would be appreciated. Please contact me at:
Robert J. Catlin, Sr.
2670 Dakota Street
Bryans Road, MD 20616-3062

In Memoriam
Theresa Ann Bukoski Weidner; James A. Diluzio; Rhett Alan Grazier; Kelvin Hailwood; Russell Hudy; Steve Johnson; Andy Konen; Brenda Murphy Johnson; Christy Powell Lee; Rebecca Scott

Class Officers
PresidentDan Anderson
Vice PresidentJulie DeGeorge
SecretaryCathy Chojnacki
TreasurerTammi Shields

Class Motto
To achieve all that is possible we must attempt the impossible.
To be as much as we can be, we must dream of being more.
Your dream is the promise of all you can become.

Class Colors

Class Flower
White Rose
White Rose

Who's Who
Most MischievousTammy Dunton and Randy Fish
Most AthleticNatalie Kuhn and Chris Herman
Class ClownsRon Weary and Sue Vaugh
Cutest Smile Renee Miller and Keith Fox
ShyestKarl Hermann and Lois Allen
Best DressedValerie Wilkins and Dan Anderson
Most StudiousEric Engell and Mindy Merry
Best LookingDarlene Brown and Dave Clabbatz
Most PopularLinda Wilmire and Dan Eller
Super SpiritedDenise Kenney and Greg Huck
Most TalkativeJohn Skiff and Sandy Suroviec
FriendliestDon Grise and The Late Brenda Murphy
Biggest Flirts Steve Johnson and Valerie Brace
Most TalentedTracy Davis and Tammy Shields

Homecoming Queen
The Late Brenda Murphy - - - Escorted by Steve Johnson

Important Events
Baccalaureate ServiceJune 03, 1979
Commencement ServiceJune 05, 1979


Theresa Ann Bukoski Weidner
Deceased: April 2009

Beverly Charlton

Kelly Chase Wiesen
239 East 5th Street
Waterford, PA 16441
Biography: I married Gary Wiesen on May 12, 1984. We have two children, Roseann, who graduated from FLB in 2003 and Andrew who graduated from FLB in 2005. Roseann was in the FLB Color Guards for three years. Roseann went to school to be a pastry chef. She is to be married in the summer of 2008. Andrew is currently in the welding/fabrication department of Tri State Business Institute. Gary works at Eriez Magnetics. I stay at home raising our grandaughter, Hunter Rose Marie. She is 15 months old. She definately keeps grandma on her toes. I had forgotten how active kids can be.

Lorraine 'Lori' Campbell
P.O. Box 131
Mill Village, PA16427
(814) 323-0957

Tamara S. Dunton Hammer
Robert A.
7940 Little Creek Road
Erie, PA 16509
Biography:  Tammy and Robbie are both graduates of the class of 1979. Their daughter, Nicole, got married on June 26, 2004. She married James Donald Schoonover. They have a daughter, Isabelle Paige, who was born October 30, 2001. Nickie elected to remain a single Mother until she graduated from Edinboro University in May of 2004.
Tammy and Robbie have two other children, Bob and Tony. Bob is married and has a little girl, Alivia. Tony is single.
Tammy works at Bliley Electric in Erie.
Robbie works at Steris in Erie.

Marilyn Kibbe Ferguson
1555 Bowstring Road
Monument, CO 80132
Tel: 303-524-4969

Robert A. Hammer
Tamara S. Dutton
7940 Little Creek Road
Erie, PA 16509
Biography:  Tammy and Robbie are both graduates of the class of 1979. Their daughter, Nicole, got married on June 26, 2004. She married James Donald Schoonover. They have a daughter, Isabelle Paige, who was born October 30, 2001. Nickie elected to remain a single Mother until she graduaged from Edinboro University in May of 2004.
Tammy and Robbie have two other children, Bob and Tony. Bob is married and has a little girl, Alivia. Tony is single.
Tammy works at Bliley Electric in Erie.
Robbie works at Steris in Erie.

Michele Scott Haugh
8255 Sunbury Lane #504
Houston, TX 77095
Tel: 281-859-5475

Rebecca L. Scott

Thanks to Marilyn Kibbe Ferguson for furnishing the information to make up this page.

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