Fort LeBoeuf High School |
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2004 |
If you are an alumni of the class of 2004, I need information about your class to complete this page. If you can furnish names and addresses of your classmates, class motto, class colors, etc, it would be appreciated.
Please contact me at:
In Memoriam |
Andy Besonson |
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Alumni |
Rebekah Adameck
Susanne Ahrens
Kristina Allen
Amy Banta
Jonathan Barrs
Nicholas Barthelson
Matthew Beidler
Nathan Benko
Katie Bernsley
Andrew Besonson
Deceased: May 08, 2011 - Auto Accident
Wayne Biebel
Matthew Bliley
Charles Blossey
Marc Borgia
Natalie Boyce
Kayla Boyd
Adam Brewer
Laura Brooks
Eric Brown
Kyra Bruno
Anthony Burns
Shane Burton
Darin Burwell
Allison Bush
Kara Buzzanco
Charles Caldwell
Katie Caldwell
Lauren Campbell
Timothy Campbell
James Cassano
John Cerula
Tassia Chamberlin
Craig Chapman
Jeffrey Chiaramonte
Jessica Clabbatz
Scott Clarkson
L.C. Cleveland
Holly Cline
Megan Coburn
Jason Collins
Tyler Cook
Kyle Cooper
Jenea Corby
Heather Cornwell
Justin Davis
Danielle Demeter
Emily Diller
Nicola Diplacido
Ronald Dombkowski
Michael Dorman
Andrew Duran
Brett Durci
Matthew Eastman
Scott Edinger
Rachel Edmunds
Ivan Eisenberg
Brett Englert
Vanessa Estes
Kari-Lynn Farnen
Joseph Fera
Justin Ferl
Marie Foltz
Damian Forne
Anthony Fox
Katie French
Joshua Fullerton
David Gentile
Andrew Ghering
David Gibbons
James Glavis
Esther Graves
Kyler Gray
Stasia Greene
Adam Greenman
Kayti Hannah
Lyndsey Harris
Amy Haupt
Matthew Hedderick
Kody Hiner
Carrie Hodges
Joel Holland
Megan Hulings
Jeffrey Huntt
Andrew Hurst
Scott Huston
Amanda James
Julie James
Shantel Jarrett
Daniel Jaworski
Julia Jewell
Eric Johnson
Jared Johnson
Tyler Johnson
Jennifer Keith
Jeremy Kloecker
Nicole Koszewski
Bethany Kowalczyk
Michael Krepps
Laura Lachesky
Amy Laflamme
Cory Lamison
Lindsey Lasher
Jordan Lawrence
Timothy Lee
Brock Lindberg
Mara Lindberg
Christopher Luba
James Lynch
Janet Macarthur
Jennifer Martin
Andy Martinak
Kyle Matheis
Scott Matta
Jeffrey May
Bradley McCullough
Jennifer McGuire
Patrick McGuire
Suzanne McGuire
Frank Mendes
Amie Michael
Heidi Miller
Miranda Miller
Travis Mook
Bridget Moriarity
Jared Northrop
Sean O'Connell
Kara Olszewski
Douglas Osborn
Danielle Owens
Danyelle Paterniti
Lucas Pentycofe
Nathan Peters
Emma Pietrzak
Aarika Pillar
Nicole Regan
Christopher Reinwald
Eric Reinwald
Ignacio Reyes
Amy Russell
Roxanne Russell
Nicole Sam
Ashley Scheid
Niki Schenck
Joshua Schneider
Christine Scott
Nathan Sheldon
Gabrielle Shields
Lauren Sipple
Sarah Skelton
Julie Skinner
Jawn Skrabacz
Lia Skurka
Derek Smith
Michael Spangler
Andrew Spicer
Sarah Stafford
Joseph Stelle
Melinda Steffy
Lindsay Stempka
Ian Stewart
Megan Swift
Ashley Szall
Erin Taylor
Bradley Tharp
Michelle Thompson
Jacquelyn Timon
Jessica Troyer
Kellie Troyer
Zackory Van Tassel
Ashley VanDyke
Alyssa Veshecco
Michael Vitelli
Joseph Vollentine
Scott Waite
Nicole Walker
Levi Warvel
Garrett Watson
Brett Wheeler
Kyle White
Jessica Whitford
Nathaniel Whitney
Marci Wilkins
Leanne Will
Joshua Winkelbaur
Jillian Wisniewski
Christopher Wombles
Lucas Wroblewski
Holly Wurst
Rebecca Wynkoop
Tina Young
Joseph Zarzeczny
Julie Zipp