Rita (Orzepowski) Weigert, Dr. Earl Stubbe, Roger Schwab, Dick Powell, Gwen Nicklas
Dr. Earl Stubbe, Paul Skelton, Roger Schwab, Dick Powell, Jerry Brace, Dell Shields
Mary Hunt, Mrs. Bonito and Coach
Betty (Martin) and Roger Schwab, Shirley Eliason
Betty (Martin) Schwab and Coach Bonito
Front row: Clarence Kibbe, Dr. Earl Stubbe, Coach and Mrs. Bonito, Shirley Eliason, Jerry Brace Back row: Bill Hunt, Clyde McGinnett, Dell and Bobbie (Spiller) Shields, Sylvia (Neimeyer) Skelton, Audrey (Cline) Karis, Wes Nicklas, Helen (Toney) Roberts, Betty (Martin) Schwab, Rita (Orzepowski) Weigert, Dick Powell
Bill Hunt, Coach and Mrs. Bonito, Mary Hunt
Clyce and Ethel McGinnett
Bill and Mary Hunt
Shirley and Jerry Brace
Clarence and Marlene Kibbe
Sylvia (Neimeyer) and Paul Skelton
Gwen and Wes Nicklas
Guests - Nancy and Bob Catlin
Donald and Audrey (Cline) Kanis
Betty (Martin) and Roger Schwab
Dell and Bobbie (Spiller) Shields
Dick and Vera Powell
Thanks to Vera McWilliams Powell for the above pictures.